Nature education activities for the next generation community members

River wildlife education activities for children in  Koh Sadeung

This was the first activity in which “Joey”, Koh Sadeung youth representative, organized for elementary school children in Koh Sadeung to learn about the wildlife in the river that flows past their community. The children got to know that water insects are an important basic indicator of water quality and that the big and small fish living in the river have different looks according to where they are found in the river, whether in rocky areas with strong currents, slow flow areas, or muddy areas covered with leaves. The children fully enjoyed the experience and there would certainly be other follow-up learning activities. 


Nature education activities for youths in Gongmongta

This is the second activity in which “Joey” invited highschool students from Gongmongta School in Gongmongta village to learn about the four basic necessities and  background of Thung Yai Naresuan, including the importance of the relationship between tigers, insects, fish, birds, and water quality indicators. The youths joined in activities to map out the interconnections between the various living beings in nature.
